Do not try this at home

I’ve always said I’m special, like super, higher-evolved special. I mean, I never had any wisdom teeth and in the future they won’t have any either. And the fact that I don’t have a working pancreas is further proof that I’m higher evolved; future beings, they won’t require the use of a pancreas either – insulin will be a thing of the past.

But now, I’m beginning to think I’m a freaking miracle – like grow a new pancreas miracle!

I kid you not, if you saw the state of my blood sugars lately, you wouldn’t be thinking this is crazy talk. Lows. Lows. Lows. And it’s not because I’m pumping myself full of unnecessary insulin, or because I’ve gone on a crash diet and am suddenly starving myself, quite the opposite in fact. My total daily insulin doses have decreased, and if anything, my calorie intake has increased trying to keep up with lows .

Seriously, I can have a chunk of Swiss, milky, sweet chocolate – without dialling up a bolus – and I still go low. Believe me, I’ve done it! And the only possible, reasonable explanation here is I must have grown a new pancreas. That’s got to be it. It’s not that far fetched really, I mean, my big, big brother had one and a half spleens… we’re all kind of higher evolved freaks in my family 😉

I’m cured baby! Wahoo!

Celebrating the cure!

6 p.m. BG before: 4.6 (3 crackers and peanut butter, no bolus)
Temp. basal: -60 per cent (1 hour)
Distance: 5 km
Time: Approximately 36 minutes
6:45 p.m. BG after: 2.9 (YIKES!)

(Caution: New pancreases cannot be grown, Type 1 diabetes is not currently curable, don’t stop taking insulin)

5 thoughts on “Do not try this at home”

  1. I knew a guy with 2 spleens (maybe just 1.5… anyway). He discovered this when he had emergency surgery to take care of the one he ruptured after he flew off his bike at a railroad crossing. He was highly evolved, too, and could get by wearing only a slice of pizza to a Halloween party.

  2. I was diagnosed last September on my 21st birthday. Before my diagnosis, I was really into working out and such. Then I started loosing a bunch of weight and eating whatever I wanted and assumed I had an awesome metabolism and stopped working out. I was also exhausted all the time, so I never felt like it. That was all 6 or so months before my diagnosis. Obviously what I was experiencing was pre-diabetes symptoms. So now I am on a much more restrictive diet and gaining tons of weight. (I hear insulin has a tendency to do this.) I started working out and running about 2 miles 4-6 times per week back in January. But I am always going low. Now that my body has gotten more used to it, it is not as severe as when I first started exercising again, but still. How do you prevent lows during long runs and work out sessions?

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