When diabetes tech works, it is like a beautiful, life rainbow 🙂
But when it doesn’t, it is so freaking miserable 🙁
Garmin and Dexcom, I’m looking at you right now.
You have messed with my bicycle-loving emotions far too many times.
And frankly, I’m tired of it.
Garmin and Dexcom Partnership
About a year or so ago, both Garmin and Dexcom sent out press releases announcing that Dexcom finally had compatibility with Garmin tech in Canada. I had been waiting for this announcement for what felt like years.
Before this announcement came, I had looked at multiple models of bike computers. Traditionally, I am a Garmin girl through and through; I have been since the start of my running days. But, I was open to potentially changing … until that announcement came and I was 100% all in for the Garmin Edge.
Because it meant that I now had immediate access to my blood sugars via my bike computer.
No more pulling out my phone to check. No more squinting at my watch to check.
It would be right there, front and centre, along with my bike speed, kilometres, and all other bike-riding details I like on my home screen.
Can you feel the excitement I felt?

Reality Bites
My husband gifted me the Garmin Edge last year.
The first time cycling with it was a dream.
My blood sugars were bolded right in front me, trending arrows and all.
Seeing blood sugars on the fly in real time was so luxurious – yes, luxurious! I didn’t have to do a balancing act, pulling my phone out of my jersey back pocket and unlocking the screen while still pedalling. So convenient! And, hey, a huge safety element too for myself, for others on the road, and for my phone (it’s been dropped a few times!)
The second time, however, was a nightmare.
Dexcom refused to connect with Garmin.
I tried everything: shutting off and restarting my phone; same with the Garmin. I closed the app and restarted that too.
Sometimes it worked.
Sometimes it didn’t.
Initially, I was super frustrated with the system to the point of it getting in the way of my bike-riding joy. Then, after many failed bike rides, I became complacent, used to the disappointment.
Friends, we spent LOT of money on that tech. It should not disappoint me!
As a last effort, I deleted the Connect IQ app from my Garmin Connect and then reconnected it.
Huzzah! It worked.
My Dexcom connected right away.
Lasted the entire ride.
The joy was back!
It worked a second time too, albeit a bit glitchy to start, took a few shutting down the phone and Garmin attempts, but got going before the ride and lasted through the total ride.
Third time, didn’t work one second.

Dear Garmin and Dexcom,
You have failed.
Katie Bartel T1D, RD, CDE