My Blog

Diabetic to Dietetics

Call of the bad belly

Sometimes it’s cheese, but never yogurt. Sometimes it’s bread, but never peanut butter. Sometimes it’s chocolate ice cream, but never Swiss chocolate. Sometimes it’s carrots, but never cucumbers. Always, it’s…

Watermelon head is back!

My fame has risen once again. Seriously people, my head is soon gonna be the size of a watermelon again (not that I’m complaining 😉 ) Brother-sister rivalry. Remember my…

What was I thinking???

I don’t like the same-old, same-old running routes. I don’t like out-and-back running routes. I don’t like running in temperatures below zero. But more than any of that, I do…


Today, there were goosebumps – good and bad. On a day I found out three little boys lost their mama to cancer (a fellow runner and friend to so many…

White rabbits

I was promised sun. I was told if I ran UP, there would be sun. Warm sun. Bright sun. Glowing sun. Big Ring had spent all Sunday morning up at…