Diabetes pic a post #2: Waking up with a morning low is NOT a good way to start the day. (The blur could be the result of low lighting or my spastically shaky hands, which is a common low BG symptom.)
For a girl who doesn’t like change, I’m sure doing a lot of it lately.
For almost two years my belly has been the go-to locale for my infusion sites, and for the 22 years prior to that, it was the number 1 spot for my injection sites. That’s not a good thing. Skin tissue that is repeatedly poked and prodded and injected full of stuff in the same spot builds up scar tissue which if you build up enough can pretty much deform your body.
But here’s the deal, I’ve got a buddha belly, always have, and it is a prime spot for finding a good wad of skin and subcutaneous fat, which means less opportunity for a jab that causes eye-wincing pain.
However, my belly, as buddhalicious as it is, does have fat-finding challenges. When I was three, my appendix was removed by a butcher who left me with a giant scar that pretty much takes up the right side of my stomach. From day 1 of diabetes, I was told to steer clear of the scar when giving injections due to the build up of scar tissue and the insulin not being able to distribute properly throughout the body. So, for the first 22 years of diabetes, I favoured the nice, hefty wad of fat on the lower left side of my stomach that I could easily grasp in one hand. Day in and day out that is where the needles went.
I kid you not, my stomach was warped. The right side was sunken in as a result of the appendix scar and the left side was protruding out as a result of the injections. I knew it wasn’t a pretty sight, and I knew it wasn’t good; the doctors kept telling me so. But I hated giving injections in my arms as I could feel the insulin seeping in as I pressed down on the plunger, and my legs were just too complicated having to take my pants off and all, and my butt, well that was just a neck crick waiting to happen. So, belly it was.
With the infusions, though, I’ve been a lot better, actually rotating sites around my belly, using the thinner areas higher up, as well as the more fatty areas, and the areas around my waist, and around the edges of my back as well. But, a belly is a belly and after 24 years of poking and prodding and jabbing and shoving, she’s looking and feeling a tad worn out.
So yesterday, changing the infusion day, I stuck her in my touche. (That sounds so wrong!) Now, the thing is, I’ve tried using my legs and my rear before for my infusions, but they always ended in disaster, and by disaster, I mean they were ripped right clean out when taking down my pants to go to the washroom, which is fine if I’m home (inconvenient as it is) but not when I’m at work, or in the valley, or midway through a run when I don’t have any backup around. One time on a run, I had to tape the site up to keep it in place after half ripping it out. Not cool.
This time, though, so far so good. Two days in, and I’ve only nearly ripped her out 10 times, but haven’t actually ripped her out, so that’s progress, right. Just one more day to go before changing the infusion day comes around again, and that, my friends, will be success 😀
- 5:30 p.m. BG before: 5.8 (chocolate biscuit, no bolus)
- Temp. basal: -50 per cent (30 minutes)
- Distance: 4 km
- Time: 23 minutes
- 6:15 p.m. BG after: 3.5 🙁
It’s tough to change what is comfortable and routine. I have been using arms exclusively for like 6 months and I know I need to switch.
Anywhere below the waist and it’s just like you, catching on everything.
I’m glad you are attempting to give that poor belly a break! sounds rough.
I’ve never liked the arms … ever since I was a kid, with the needles, feeling it going in, ick! Hated that!
change is hard but your buddha will thank you. I always enjoy how use humour to conquer adversity. keep at it!
Change IS hard, but I’m at the end of day 3 and it hasn’t been ripped out yet. Success!
Finally a convert!! I told you, you’ll learn to LOVE it. Ps it snowed yesterday here…boooooo. Miss you hugs!
And I am still learning! 😀 Miss you lots Miss Heather, but so glad I’m not dealing with that snow!
I love your blog… and I just wanted to ask you, when you reduce your basal rate on your pump before exercise do you do it just before or 30 mins before or what?
It all depends. Usually for a long run, I’ll kick it down about 30 minutes beforehand, and the same for when I go aqua jogging. But usually (and mostly because I don’t remember any earlier) I just reduce it right before I head out. It’s always kind of a touchy thing, depending on how sensitive you are to adjustments. I hate having super high blood sugars when running so I’m pretty cautious about reducing the basal rate too early, but on the flip side, I also hate running into a low mid way or post run. Good luck 😀