Thirty four days. Thirty four hard, longing, obsessive, mood-swinging, shaky days. That’s how long I lasted. No chocolate for 34 days, but after the week I’ve had, the no-chocolate streak came to an end. And let me just say, that first bite was the most heavenly thing I’ve ever experienced. The chocolate oozed over my tongue, melted on my teeth, it’s nutty, raisin, cocoaness filled my senses. My eyes widened, my nose perked, my skin tingled, and my tongue, oh man did it taste. Heaven. One of the best, most delectable decisions I’ve made.
Dear chocolate, I promise never to desert you again.
Despite this week being a struggle almost from start to finish with blood sugar dramas and running injuries and work stresses, it hasn’t all been bad. In fact, there have been a few spectacular moments squeezed in there.
On Saturday, my niece finally had her baby shower (it was high time, The Great One is 1.5 months old after all). The shower had a garden tea party theme, which meant, because the weather was so gloriously sunny, I was able to wear one of my most favourite summer dresses. It also meant I had some great bonding time with my great nephew … although, secretly, I wasn’t all that keen on sharing him 😀
On Tuesday, I had a surprise middle-of-the-street visit with my favourite running chick, who happened to be walking to the bank midday just as I was hoofing it to Starbucks for a pick-me-up. I didn’t know it was her when I saw her out of the corner of my eye as she stood at the street light kitty corner to where I was crossing. And actually I was slightly annoyed that she’d pressed the walk button, which forced me to walk faster to make it across the street in time, and then when I heard her running up behind me, I was all like, who the hell is this crazy chick running up behind me as I clutched my purse closer to my body. (There’s lots of crazies in the town I work in) When I realized it was her, my eyes instantly brightened. She has that effect 😀
Tuesday night was my get together with my soon-to-be doctor chick, and Wednesday night I had a good puddle-producing trainer ride while watching True Blood. I kid you not, there was a puddle. Thursday I met my step sister for lunch, which was an affair that had us both laughing non-stop for a good hour AND we got free dessert out of it too.
What can I say, she has a halo following her wherever she goes.
Thursday was also the first day all week I hadn’t felt pressure in my knee. And today, I got the Ironman run down from my favourite iron chickie while aqua jogging.
There’s almost always a silver lining right 😀
- 5 p.m. BG before: 10.8 (1 hour)
- Temp. basal: -100 per cent
- Time: 50 minutes (meant to go an hour, but saw Evil Pace Bunny in the water, and thought better of it … you don’t want to be in the water when Evil Pace Bunny is in the water!)
- 6:40 p.m. BG after: 8.1
- Temp. basal: +50 per cent (0.5 hours)
Tell me one good thing that happened to you this week.
Loved our lunch!! It was a great time and what a lovely tea house. Enjoyed myself and we will have to do it again soon.
PS thanks for putting my picture up so the world can see it. Lol I still love you
You are a brave soul to go that long without chocolate….I keep thinking about the jersey that says ” Fueled by Chocolate”….we even saw one at Ironman! 🙂 Good choice on leaving the water when you saw “Evil Pace Bunny” since we know where that can lead. Where is the tea house that you went to?