Thank you everyone for your congratulations and well wishes; the last couple months have been a whirlwind of excitement and trepidationā¦ and specialists appointments. Oh man, have there been a lot of those.
In fact, it was in the ER that I first found out about the little thumb-sucking alien baby growing inside me.
Remember a couple months back when Mario and I were out running and the cement demons latched onto my ankles causing me to do a perfect 10.0 face first dive into the cement, and how Mario suspected a dislocated shoulder? And how, when he suggested the hospital, I completely freaked out? It’s not odd that I would freak out given that hospitals totally wig me out in general, but this time it wasn’t because of that. It was because I was worried about getting an x-ray.
See, I had suspicions about something going on in my belly at the time. I hadn’t told Mario my suspicions as it was still super early and I wanted to be sure. But I did tell the docs when they checked me over. They did a test and sure enough I was preggers. Three weeks along.
I was still good to go for the x-ray, but the thing is, I was in a completely different waiting room then Mario. And so, for three and a half hours, I sat there, ready to burst with this news, but couldn’t exactly text him now could I. Can you say torture?
Or, a little foreshadowing maybe? Since then, I have been running all over the map getting myself to this doctor and that specialist and 1,000 others after.
Every two weeks, I’m required to attend the pregnancy in diabetes clinic, which consists of an endocrinologist specializing in pregnancy, dietitian, and nurse, and for the first while, I was seeing them every week. I’ve also been in to see my diabetic eye specialist, something I have to do every trimester because apparently diabetic retinopathy can present itself in pregnancy. I have to get my hemoglobin A1c tested every month to ensure BG perfection continues, as well as my thyroid, the dose of which has already been increased due to alien baby sucking all the good thyroid out of me. An obstetrician has been recommended as a result of Dear Diabetes being earmarked as high risk, and I’ve also been given advance notice of stress tests coming my way. And that doesn’t even include ultrasounds and regular visits with my GPs that specialize in pregnancy.Ā Oh joy.
The result of one of my many appointments: the first pic of our little thumb-sucking alien baby.
Seriously, it’s like the world thinks if you have Type 1 and are pregnant, life stops. You don’t work, you don’t have commitments, you don’t have a social life, nothing āĀ except a wide open calendar to fill with specialists appointments!
Words cannot express how thrilled I am for you and Mario. I look forward to following your journey through your blog.
Thanks Carol… It’s been quite the journey already… a line up posts, some rants, some funnies to follow š
EEEK! That’s a cute little alien! I wish all the best health for the next few months, and beyond! You are going to be such a good mommy! š
Well, I wasn’t much of a babysitter as a kid (huge apologies to my beautiful nieces who I treated more like little sisters than cherished nieces) so here’s hoping I’m a much better mom š
I’m pretty excited to say the least. bouncing off the small walls of my little house. SERIOUSLY!
Get used to it the little knee biters ill your social life/fun but they are so with it! Glad ur not dealing with morning sickness
THAT is the cutest little alien ever! Its a real whole baby! When can the little one meet me for lunch??
That has to be the most beautiful baby alien I’ve ever seen. Looks just like “its” Mom! š xxoo
This is such an exciting time for you both and baby alien. Congratulations!
Hey! I just wrote a blog post bitching about my lack of knowledge in the pregnant-with-diabetes realm, and was lead here! I’m so glad I was!
I’m kind of jealous of all of your appointments. I feel like I need someone to talk me off a ledge at least once a week, and it seems like more appointments might make me feel better? Or worse?
Anyhoo, congratulations to you! I (and my own alien baby) will be following along closely!
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