Today was Dairy Queen’s Miracle Treat Day and there was no way I was missing it. Not only was it a good deed to buy a DQ blizzard, with $1 from every blizzard sold going to Children’s Hospital (my second home as a kid) but it was also just too darn yummy to pass up!
But because it was a run day, I couldn’t have one before the run (didn’t want to mess up the belly) and so I had to wait until after the run. But I didn’t trust my memory to last that long … last year I completely forgot until I got home, which did me no good there. So this year, I was not about to let that happen again.
Skipping yesterday’s run seems to have turned my brain intto mush. Every morning that I have to pack a run bag, I always do a checklist just before leaving the condo: Shorts ? Shirt ? Socks ? Sports bra ? Shoes ?
Well, it seems this morning, anything that didn’t start with an ‘S’ like say my Garmin and my Fuel Belt didn’t quite make the cut. And I didn’t realize I was without these necessary items until I got to my brothers to change about an hour before my run. Oh crud. The Garmin was a lost cause, but I couldn’t possibly go 10k without water. I had to buy a new fuel belt; now I have three. But this one, I didn’t go for functionality, I went for colour: Bumblebee yellow! And with my purple tank top, hot pink compression socks, and then the yellow, I was quite the running rainbow!
- 6 p.m. BG before: 5.2 (juice box)
- 6:30 p.m. BG: 8.1
- Temp basal -50 per cent
- Distance: 10 km (recovery)
- Time: ???
- Average pace: ???
- 8:30 p.m. BG after: 5.1
I think my blood sugars went low about 3/4 of the way through the run, which sucked because the new fuel belt didn’t have a pouch large enough for sugar tablets or my glucometre (like I said, NOT functional!) so I had no real idea what was going on, but the tingling I felt in my hands and lips wasn’t giving me much confidence in my levels. Thank goodness for Chelsey and her gooey sugary things whatever they were! She’s a butterscotch lifesaver – my favourite!
Earlier this week, fellow blogger Amanda at 5 miles past empty put out a Legs Love Lunges Challenge for her readers. And while I really have no idea how to do a lunge, and am pretty sure I’ve never done a lunge, and am thinking my legs really aren’t going to “love” lunges, I’ve accepted the challenge. And pretty much I’ve been kicking myself ever since, especially after reading Amanda’s blog from yesterday where she was practically screaming that her legs were on FIRE! from the lunges she was doing (and by the sounds of it, she’s a pretty experienced lunger) I’m thinking my legs are probably going to die after like three. But, the stubborness in me holds strong.
From now until Sept. 10 I am to do lunges at least three times a week. Three times? Really? Good golly, sometimes I hate that stubborn competitiveness of mine that gets me into situations like this! But apparently it doesn’t have to be a lot of lunges, mind you, it seems Amanda thinks 10 lunges out and 10 lunges back isn’t a lot – are you kidding me? I am going to die.
But hey, I’ll have hot legs 😀
We didn’t forget either, mmm. Hey, it was dor the kids! Oh ya, nice legs;)
You were quite the running rainbow last night. How does the IT band feel today?