Tweet-Tweet. Tweet-Tweet. Tweet-Tweet. Do you hear that? That noise? That chirping noise? It’s not a pretty robin. It’s not a pretty blue jay. It’s a pretty princess. I am on the Tweeter … er, I mean, Twitter.
Technically I’ve been on the Twitter for almost as long as I’ve been on the blog, but after a few short months of Tweeter excitement, I grew bored, and didn’t see the value in it. So for more than a year now, my Tweeter account has been used solely for uploading the blog.
Not anymore.
After I wrote the social media, yay or nay post a few weeks ago about better promoting myself, I got some feedback from a few of you, most who prefer the Tweeter over the Facebook. And after a bit of thought and deliberation, weighing the pros and cons, and deciding whether or not I could actually keep up with it, I decided to embrace the Tweeter.
So after figuring out how to reset my password (given that I’d completely forgotten what my password was) I cleaned the account up, stopped following Twits who didn’t benefit me, started following a few who did, and started Tweeting away.
For all things princess, all things diabetes, all things running, all things cycling, all things aqua jogging, and more – in 140 characters or less of course – you can follow me @PrincessoPavmnt … or, if you’re not on the Twitter, you can still catch my oh-so-enlightening 😉 posts right here on the blog, with the POP Tweeter Roll that I’ve recently added to the lower right side of the blog.
Let’s tweet!
Are you on Twitter?
Hey, I just had to comment on the Tweetie Bird adorned with your face and crown … which once again caused me to spew Coca-cola outta my nose 🙂
It was great, seriously. And you are seriously brave doing the Twitter thing. I still have issues with tweeting, but I’m TRYING to shake it off and get up to speed 🙂