Giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Every day I am thankful for so much in my life, and today, I share with you a few of those things.

I am thankful for my loving husband who cooks for me almost every day of the year (most likely because he fears me poisoning him, but whatever) and who, on holidays where there is no turkey or stuffing or cheesy vegetables to be had (the horror, I know!) cooks the next best thing: our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, German rouladin. Nothing better than the smells of Christmas Eve wafting through your living room two months ahead of time šŸ˜€

I’m also thankful he let me sleep in this morning, the last day of my holidays!

I am thankful for my beautifully sarcastic family who always bring a smile to my face, laughter in my heart, and a rapid-fire sarcastic remark on my own two lips.

Yep, that’s just my immediate family!

I am thankful for my health, which seems to improve with age, and for the ability to be able to run half marathons and marathons, and ride alongside my cycling crazy husband, and hike up the Grouse Grind without wanting to pull out the ol’ diabetes excuse, but actually wanting to do those things, and enjoy doing them.

This was me last Thanksgiving, post Portland Marathon.

I am thankful for my baking skills creating this dream-worthy chocolate raspberry truffle tart made with true Belgian chocolate and fresh raspberries. Oh yum.

I am thankful for next weekend’s San Francisco, NWM, Tiffany’s girls weekend with my super duper favourite running chicks. Ohhh the fun and mischief to be had šŸ˜‰

And I am thankful for you, my readers. Always.


  • 8 p.m. BG before: 12.1
  • Temp. basal: -50 per cent (1/2 hour)
  • Time: 40 minutes
  • 9 p.m. BG after: 5.0
  • Temp. basal: +50 per cent (1/2 hour)

What are you thankful for?

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