Leaving on a jet plane

When going on holidays, how many shoes are too many shoes? Given the look on Mario’s face when he saw my entire wardrobe strewn on my bed and my many shoes lining the outskirts of my bed, I’m guessing he’d say two. I say four … okay maybe five 😉

Tomorrow morning Mario and I will be boarding a plane for San Francisco where we will then be renting a car to take us to Sonoma County, where we will be embarking upon a week of wine tasting, Lance Armstrong stalking, and Mario cheering festivities.

Some of you may recall, for Mario’s birthday back in January, I had registered him for the Levi Leipheimer Gran Fondo, which is 103 miles, 160 km – the most he’s ever ridden – through Sonoma County. Now, I’ll be honest, while I looked like a super amazing wife at the time (and I totally did!) there was a touch of selfishness in there.

See, Levi Leipheimer was one of Lance’s go-to guys for Team Radioshack and Team US Postal before that in the Tour de France. They’re old-time buds and I figured if Lance wasn’t doing anything, there could very well be a chance of a Lance stalking sighting. I also knew McDreamy would be on the roster. And this morning I found out Zach Morris will also be racing. So I’ve got the dream of Lance, the drool of Patrick, and the girlhood crush of Zach … oh yeah, and my husband too. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving 😀

But back to the packing. I hate packing. I always fear I’m going to forget something and then I inevitably overpack. And this time of year, which seems to be a prime traveling time for Mario and I, is also difficult because you’ve pretty much got to double pack to be prepared for the warmer days and the cooler evenings (or god forbid, last year’s ice-cold European experience!) And with all those outfits, I can’t possibly survive on just one pair of shoes. Oh no. I’ve got go-to flats, heels for just in case, Bensimmons for comfort, support shoes for volunteering, and running shoes for a run. Yep, it’s a lot of shoes, but all so very much needed.

And then I’ve got all my diabetes supplies to think of too: double test strips, double insulin, double cartridges, double infusions, double alcohol swabs, double thyroid pills, divided with one set packed in the suitcase and one packed in the carry-on. Take it from someone who has had her luggage delayed, you can never be too careful. The worse thing would be to have too little.

And here all Mario’s got to worry about is packing up a measly ol’ bike (of which, one pair of my shoes is packed in with)

It’s a good thing Mario under packs, leaving me lots of room for shopping 😀


  • 9:30 a.m. BG before: 5.4 (chocolate biscuit, no bolus)
  • Temp. basal: -100 per cent (1 hour)
  • Time: 45 minutes
  • 10:30 a.m. BG after: 3.6 (1/4 cup orange juice)
  • Temp. basal: +50 per cent (1 hour)

Not sure how the blogging is going to go while we’re away, but the laptop will be along for the ride, so there might be a few posts … then again, there might not be. So, regardless, have a great week my friends.

5 thoughts on “Leaving on a jet plane”

  1. McDreamy!?! You’re into McDreamy. He’s a girl next to Owen Hunt. That’s a man. Borrow my travel motto, have Amex, no need to worry! Today, we’re in New York, I am under-packed again — state of being for living in a tractor and hotels — I need Gortex. Will be visiting Paragon sports this morning. Have fun in Sonoma. Don’t think we’ll make the cheering section. Go Mario!

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