A bookstore, a library, a table of once-loved, soon-to-be-loved-again, 25 cent books at the flea market is like the most decadent, melt in your mouth chocolate in the world for me. As far back as I can remember, I’ve had a book in my hands, whether it be the Velveteen Rabbit, or one of the tales from the Kids at the Polk Street School, or anything Nick Hornby. I’ve fallen in love with the Mr. Darcys, cried with the Ponyboys, reveled in revenge with the Cannies. I found pop culture with Nick Hornby, and found a confidante in the third book of the Babysitters Club with Stacy, one of the babysitters who was diagnosed with diabetes in that particular book, a book I still so clearly remember today more than 20 years after reading it. I happily get lost in libraries, bookstores, the book section in Costco, and can spend hours walking along the stacks, pulling out an assortment of books, swiping my hand across the cover, gently flipping through the first few pages, taking in the smells, the sounds. Ahhh. Being able to dive head first into a book, being taken out of reality and being put into someone else’s world, that’s just, well, it’s just magical.
So, that all being said, I’m starting something new here at Princess of Pavement. I’m going to start putting aside some Friday posts to tell you all about what I’m reading. It won’t be a regular weekly posting as I’m not a fast reader, not like my moms and sister who are like the Roadrunner of book readers, I’m more of a leisurely reader taking in every detail of the book I possibly can. I’m thinking this new feature will probably be a once-a-month posting, maybe twice-a-month depending on the books I’m reading.
Not everyone’s going to like what I’m reading in a particular month, but that’s the fun thing about books right, everyone has they’re own opinions on how they go. And I would love to hear all about what you’re all reading as well – I’m always up for new suggestions.
I’ve fallen for classics, debauched music biographies, tales of news reporters, and yes a little of the romantic chic lit too. Today, I give you a glimpse into a few of my reading loves:
- Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger
- A Long Way Down, Nick Hornby
- Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Salman Rushdie
- Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
- The Guinea Pig Diaries, A.J. Jacobs
- Tommyland, Tommy Lee with Anthony Bozza
- Stupid and Contagious, Caprice Crane
What are your favourite books? What are you reading right now?
*** The first book to be shared (which will probably be in a week or two as I’m just about done) Late Edition, A Love Story, Bob Greene***
where did Mario’s blog go?
I did sooooooo much damage at Shakespeare & Co! I literally went there 2-3 times a week when I was living there.
I just finished reading Commencement by J. Courtney Sullivan, which I risked car sickness for so I could read it in the car on the way home from Ari’s parents’ house. I’m about to start a new book called Labyrinth for my book club…