Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

My petition to you

If I presented you a petition of my own making, would you sign it?

Would you sign it even if it meant you could no longer look at me with pity in your eyes when we talk of my diabetes?

Would you sign it even if it meant you could no longer share stories of others you know (or don’t know for that matter) with diabetes who’ve been struck with blindness, dialysis, amputation, etc.?

Would you sign it even if it meant you could no longer question every item of food I ingest – chocolate and ice cream included?

Would you sign it even if it meant you could no longer interrogate my actions and point out what you believe should be diabetes limitations?

Would you sign it even if it meant you could no longer think my life is any less than yours because of my diabetes?

Would you sign it even if it meant you could no longer ever watch, talk, or think of that god-awful Steel Magnolias movie again?

Would you? Could you?

Well folks, that is my petition to you. Do you support it?


* This post is my second instalment of Diabetes Blog Week with the topic We, The Undersigned, a pretend petition of something we’d like changed in our world with diabetes. *

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