And run! When that beautiful sounding (and looking!) Chris Cornell’s voice blasted through my ear buds this morning singing Rusty Cage, it seemed almost perfect really. This was my second run out since making my come back, and let me just say, it took everything I had to reign in the fire in my legs. For four weeks, they have been hating me, wanting to run, wanting to pound the pavement, wanting to be alongside their friends, the legs of my favourite running chicks. Sure they didn’t mind the trainer, and while they were grossed out by the toxins in the pool, they did what needed to be done, but neither of those activities made up for that loss that no running put in them. And so finally, today, when I promised them a run further than 4 km, it was as though they were the legs of a marionette gone wild. And they didn’t let me down, it was almost like they were purpously rubbing it in my face that they didn’t need this break, they were fine all along. And at 7 km, when Rusty Cage came on, my legs didn’t want to stop, they felt great, they wanted to keep going, wanted to break my rusty cage… and run!
- 11:30 a.m. BG before: 5.1 (granola bar & 3 DEX, no bolus)
- Temp. basal: -70 per cent
- Distance: 8 km
- Average pace: 6:14 min/km
- Average heart rate: 165 bpm
- Time: 49:55
- 12:45 a.m. BG after: 8.1
But my gawd is it ever hard to get up the gumption to go for a run in the pouring rain when you don’t have your favourite running chicks waiting for you … it took me two hours to get out of the house this morning; a half hour of which was spent waiting for my blood sugars to rise to a decent level.
Dear legs, I promise you we will be back up to regular mileage soon, my mentality is running out of patience too!
So, as mentioned on Friday, I have some news, shocking news really, in fact, I even gasped when I voiced it for the first time myself. I, Princess of Pavement, girl who runs and rides but does NOT swim, hates pools, loathes them, finds them germ-infested diseases waiting to happen, amgoingtojointhetriclinic!!! But I am NOT swimming and I am NOT joining the others in the hot tub, where germs crawl up your butt!
So the tri clinic, of which my favourite ironchickie is a part of, and many of my running peeps participate in as well, is on Fridays. And seeing as how I’m already at the pool most Fridays with my aqua jogging, which I plan to keep up with even as my running gets back to proper form, I figured why not join them for a ride and run as well. So here’s the deal, while their out swimming their laps, I’ll be aqua jogging mine. And then apparently we ride in a room for 20 km (I think) and then run for 5 km. I can do that!
The only concern I had was telling Mario that I was joining. See, my dear husband, like many pure cyclists out there, is a bit of a cycling snob. And, well, (I apologize in advance) he sort of calls triathletes, uhm, “weird!” Sorry. Surprisingly though, he was totally okay with it, thought it was a great idea … that is, as long as I don’t go and buy tri bars for my bike. “That’s grounds for divorce,” he said 😉
Now I’ve just got to figure out what to wear. I mean I can’t wear my bulky, padded cycling shorts when I’m going to have to run right afterwards, I don’t imagine that would be all that comfortable. But I don’t want to get a sort butt on the bike either. What would you wear?
Yay!!! For RUN and Triclinic AND that Mario gives you his blessing! And tell him that I, the “weird” triathlete sends only love vibes to roadies:-) The bad news is that I don’t think I’m going to be able to make tri next week, but I will be there the week after! And Peter and Rick will be there to look after you so you should still go! I would be careful running on that indoor track though, its only like 200m so lots of tight turning which is hard on the legs. I do my run outside around a 5km block around Marshall Road, Peter and Rick escort me!
I of course wear lululemon! Their cycling shorts aren’t that bulky at all and I don’t have trouble running in them. I’m sure if you look at actual tri gear you might be able to find something sufficient.
Look forward to seeing you there :o)
I just wear regular shorts since the spin bikes have big fat padded seats anyway. You are going to get a sore but cause the seats are that big!
I don’t attend tri night but I do sometimes show up at Sneakers afterwards. Working until 8pm on Friday but will swing by for a bit once I get back to Abbotsford.
I just wear my running shorts on those spin bikes. Like Linda said, the seats are big and padded. Whew, Katie won’t be there so Rick and I won’t get our butts run off. We would be happy to accompany you 😉
You should NOT be asking ME what to wear!! 🙂 I’ll just consider that a question for everybody else … but I’m so happy you are pounding the pavement once again. Run like a kid 🙂
glad ur running so well again! go w/ a trisuit it has a small chamois that is suitable for riding and running in. bike shorts feel can feel like a big diaper on the run and have stitches in the wrong spots and can cause killer chaffing. Brands of trisuits include Title IX, craft, desoto, zoot, louis garneau, and i love LG and but is good cheap and has good customer service(or at least it did when i got mine)
I have worn both padded and normal shorts…..the seats are not the most comfy. 🙂 I did have a wise lady (from Tri-Nite) tell me to pick one of the bikes with the “brownish” wheels and not the grey wheels. You will see the difference in the wheels. Have fun!!!!