I like hills, but my god, what was I thinking?
I was scheduled to do 8 to 10 km today, and when I asked for some route suggestions on Facebook, I got some really good options, and a few crazy ones too, but because I wasn’t departing from home, I decided my route had to start from my brother’s where I could change into my running gear with ease. Now, this is a location I start many of my solo runs from, but I generally stick to 1 or 2 routes, and today those routes just didn’t cut it for me. I wanted something different, a change. And oh man, did I get that change: six major, massive, insane, knock-you-in-the-face, kick-you-in-the-knees, psycho hill-training kind of hills! You know that saying what goes up must come down? Well, for 90 per cent of this run, I was mapping out a way of tracking down the dude who came up with that saying so I could call him a freaking liar, and then kick him in the knees – these roads just kept going up and up and up and up!
- 4:30 p.m. BG before: 8.4
- Temp. basal: -20 per cent
- Distance: 8 km
- Average pace: 6:32 min/km
- Average heart rate: 168 bpm
- Time: 52:18
- 5:30 p.m. BG after: 9.1
But when they did finally start going down, the view that was gifted to me was some kind of spectacular … not quite so spectacular I’d go out and do this run again anytime soon, but maybe you know sometime in the future … the far future! And the upside, my legs will still probably be pretty fatigued for Sunday’s lsd run, ensuring I run it at a proper slower pace.
Today was the first day I’ve ever had to change my infusion before it was time to be changed. I’ve been struggling with my blood sugars for days, they’ve been consistently high and I just can’t seem to pull them back down no matter how much insulin I take. They’re high after breakfast, really high after lunch, and really high in the middle of the night. But my food intake hasn’t changed, I don’t think I’ve been under stress (well not more than I usually am) and I’m perfectly healthy. So why is my body now requiring a total daily dose of insulin that’s almost double what I usually average? I guessed the infusion. I don’t know if I was right, but when I took it out, the line was clumped full of air bubbles, so maybe, hopefully that’s all it was.
In other news … I BECAME AN AUNTIE AGAIN!!! It was 20 years ago that I first became an auntie and I still remember the weeks leading up to my dear niece’s arrival and how my sister would call super early every morning before school, and I’d wait by the phone, willing it to ring, and as soon as it did, the first question out of my mouth was “Is today the day?” That excitement, it doesn’t get old. My newest nephew, who we will continue to call Baby Number 3, is my ninth in a line of nieces and nephews. And the excitement of last night and this morning was just as strong today as it was 20 years ago!
I’ve definitely got a date planned with this little man this weekend. What are your plans for the weekend?
baby #3 is adorable1 congratulations!