I had an absolutely fantastic day yesterday. I didn’t run a super fast race, didn’t get a lingering hug from Andy Schleck, didn’t become a chemistry genius, or get a solid night sleep – all of which would have been pretty darn spectacular – but I did get something that was absolutely out of this world.
Yesterday’s tale starts with a text I got from Big Ring on Friday informing me that instead of going for a ride, he had opted for a city day, and in that city day a scrumdiliumptious cherry chocolate ice cream bar from Chocolate Arts was included. Instantly I was jealous.
Let me tell you, these bars are friggin amazing! They’re handcrafted from locally made, and super pure, Avalon dairy cream and free range eggs, topped on a perfectly sweet brownie base, and dipped in decadent chocolate. Their flavours, almost all of which are seasonal, also use locally produced, organic fruits and herbs. In the last two years I’ve enjoyed lemon basil, raspberry, rhubarb (my favourite!) and cherry.
Not surprising, I sent a rapid-fire text back to Big Ring informing him of our plans for a city day on Monday, which would include a bratwurst on a bun with sauerkraut from Granville Island (that’s been my crazy preggers craving) and a stop off at Chocolate Arts for a bar. Obviously!
But on Sunday afternoon, it dawned on us that the chocolate artisans may be taking a holiday too. I Googled their hours and sure enough it said it was closed. Nooooo! But because I’m a desperate pregnant chick (with seemingly no shame) in need of her ice cream, I emailed the company asking if they really were closed. I mean really, it’s only BC day. A few hours later, I had a response in my inbox: Yep, they were closed 🙁
But Greg, who owns the shop with his wife, is so totally amazing. When he realized I was preggers, in need of my ice cream (a craving he could relate to with his own wife) he told me to come on down, they’d open the shop up, no problem. Oh! My! Gawd! Seriously, how often does that happen?
I guess there are benefits to this medicine ball attached to my belly after all 😉
Ask and you shall receive was first published on Aug. 7, 2012.