Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

What I’m loving right now…

Colourful twinkle lights all along the boardwalk:

Spotting a beautiful vision of my moms decorating her tree when I went to visit her last week:

Our version of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, a dwarfed Alberta spruce, with that fresh green smell wafting through the loft air:

Our Christmas tree topper of love birds:

The most spectacular gingerbread houses I ever did see on Gingerbread Lane at the Hyatt in Vancouver.

Sparkly Christmas flats that I just had to have – and on sale:

And my present state of determination:


Yesterday’s run was bad, like real bad. I had got up especially early because I knew I had a lot to do, and I didn’t want to neglect a run, which I’ve been doing far too much of lately. I had planned on going out for a good, solid, brisk 10 km. However, when the lights finally came on outside and I started on my way, I felt like crud. I thought maybe it was just the starter 3 km thing, as sometimes it takes a bit for me to find my groove, but nope, that wasn’t it at all. Three kilometres came and went and I was still feeling awful. I was overheating, my legs were clomping all over the place, my music was irritating the hell out of me, and at one point, I thought I was going to hurl, like right there in the middle of the sidewalk. This was not good.

I stopped at 4 km and weighed my options. I could keep going and feel like crud for the entire 10 km, which wouldn’t be a good run, or I could reroute and cut the run short. That’s what I did. I was not happy about the decision. I do not like to wimp out on my runs, and cutting the run short, to me, felt like I was wimping out.

Hours later, I made right with that decision. I hit the trainer.


My style of a duathlon 😀

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